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La Leche League support in Mainland China
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简体中文版 - Simplified Chinese
Breastfeeding information sheets and articles 剖腹产后的母乳喂养 Breastfeeding After C-section 宝宝的第一剂疫苗 Breastfeeding: Baby's First Immunization 母乳喂养的要诀 Breastfeeding Tips 哺育双胞胎 Breastfeeding Twins 新的!! 中文帖子 New!! Meme style Chinese posts 母乳的成分 Components of Breastmilk 杯喂 (颜色) Cup Feeding (color) 杯喂 (黑和白) Cup Feeding (black & white) 龋齿 (《今天母乳喂养》里的文章) Dental Caries (Breastfeeding Today article) 经历压力的妇女是否会停止产奶? Do women experiencing stress 'lose' their breastmilk? 滴落喂养 (颜色) Drip-Drop Feeding (color) 滴落喂养 (黑和白) Drip-Drop Feeding (black & white) 涨奶怎么办? Engorged Breasts? 用手挤奶 《撕页小贴士索引》 Hand Expression (WAB Tear-sheet Toolkit) 如何让我的宝宝深含乳房? (颜色) How can I get my baby to latch deeply? (color) 如何让我的宝宝深含乳房? (黑和白) How can I get my baby to latch deeply? (black & white) 如果一家公司告诉您哺乳将会很痛 If a company is telling you breastfeeding will be painful… 母乳喂养的重要性 Importance of Breastfeeding 增加奶量 (颜色) Increasing Breastmilk Supply (color) 增加奶量 (黑和白) Increasing Breastmilk Supply (black & white) 我的母乳足够吗? Is my breastfed baby getting enough milk? 半躺式哺乳《撕页小贴士索引》 Laid-back Breastfeeding (WAB Tear-sheet Toolkit) 马拉松母亲 (《今天母乳喂养》里的文章) Marathon Mother (Breastfeeding Today article) 乳腺炎的护理 Mastitis Care Plan 新生儿黄疸 Newborn Jaundice 乳头矫正罩 Nipple Shields 哺乳帮助我远离悲伤 (《今天母乳喂养》里的文章) Nursing Helped Me Grieve (Breastfeeding Today article) 婴幼儿期间的持续腹泻 Persistent Diarrhea 母乳喂养的准备 Preparing to Breastfeed 如何挤奶 Pumping Your Milk 再度泌乳 (颜色) Relactation (color) 再度泌乳 (黑和白) Relactation (black & white) 安全睡眠 7 要诀 信息图 Safe Sleep Seven infographic 肌肤接触 (颜色) Skin-to-Skin Contact (color) 肌肤接触 (黑和白) Skin-to-Skin Contact (black & white) 母乳储存 Storing Human Milk 治疗鹅口疮 Treating Thrush 胃食管反流 What is reflux? 在职场中支持母乳妈妈 Workplace Support for Breastfeeding Mothers 母乳喂养的女性艺术 Womanly Art of Breastfeeding 撕页小贴士索引 Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (WAB) Tear-sheet Toolkit 中文会讯文章 - Chinese Newsletter articles www.lllasia.org/chinese-newsletter-articles 紧急情况下的母乳喂养 Breastfeeding During Emergencies www.lllasia.org/chinese-emergency-info 其他国际母乳会资源 - Other LLL Resources 新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)和母乳喂养的信息 Coronavirus (COVID-19) and breastfeeding information 紧急情况下的婴儿喂养 - 多种语言 Infant Feeding in Emergencies - multilingual 国际母乳会鼓励在流感中继续哺喂你的宝宝 LLLI Media Release on Influenza 国际母乳会就美国反对世界卫生大会决议作出回应 LLLI Response to US Opposition to WHA Resolution |
繁體中文版 - Traditional Chinese
Breastfeeding information sheets and articles 過敏與哺乳家庭 Allergies and Breastfeeding Family (New Beginnings article) 離乳的方法 Approaches to Weaning 母乳哺育學步兒-到底為了什麼? Breastfeed a Toddler - Why on Earth? (by Dr. Jack Newman) 擠壓乳房 Breast Compression (by Dr. Jack Newman) 哺乳的秘訣 Breastfeeding Tips 新的!! 中文帖子 New!! Meme style Chinese posts 吸乳器的選擇 Choosing a Breast Pump 母乳的成分 Components of Breastmilk 杯子餵奶 (顏色) Cup Feeding (color) 杯子餵奶 (黑和白 ) Cup Feeding (black & white) 齲齒 (《今天母乳喂養》裡的文章) Dental Caries (Breastfeeding Today article) 經歷壓力當下的婦女是否「失去」母乳? Do women experiencing stress 'lose' their breastmilk? 滴落哺餵 (顏色) Drip-Drop Feeding (color) 滴落哺餵 (黑和白 ) Drip-Drop Feeding (black & white) 建立母乳量 Establishing Your Milk Supply 如何讓我的寶寶深含乳房? (顏色) How can I get my baby to latch deeply? (color) 如何讓我的寶寶深含乳房? (黑和白) How can I get my baby to latch deeply? (black & white) 如果一家公司告訴您哺乳將會很痛 If a company is telling you breastfeeding will be painful… 增加母乳供應 (顏色) Increasing Breastmilk Supply (color) 增加母乳供應 (黑和白) Increasing Breastmilk Supply (black & white) 爲您的寶寶添加副食物 Introducing Complementary Foods 我的母奶寶寶有吃飽嗎? Is my breastfed baby getting enough milk? 馬拉松母親 (《今天母乳喂養》裡的文章) Marathon Mother (Breastfeeding Today article) 徒手擠奶 ― 馬麥式技巧 Manual Expression of Breast Milk - Marmet Technique 新的!! 关于母乳喂养医学会 (ABM) 临床协议 #36:2022 年修订的乳腺炎谱系 乳腺炎谱系协议提PDF 乳腺炎谱系协议提示slideshow New!! Mastitis Spectrum Protocol Tips about the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) Clinical Protocol #36: The Mastitis Spectrum revised in 2022 乳頭矯正罩 Nipple Shields 哺乳幫助我遠離悲傷 (《今天母乳喂養》裡的文章) Nursing Helped Me Grieve (Breastfeeding Today article) 再度泌乳 (顏色) Relactation (color) 再度泌乳 (黑和白) Relactation (black & white) 母乳寶寶的安全睡眠 Safe Sleep 安全睡眠 7 信息图 Safe Sleep Seven infographic 肌膚接觸 (顏色) Skin-to-Skin Contact (color) 肌膚接觸 (黑和白) Skin-to-Skin Contact (black & white) 催淚氣體與母乳餵哺 Tear Gas Exposure and Breastfeeding 雙胞胎的哺乳要訣 Tips for Breastfeeding Twins 治療念珠球菌感染 Treating Thrush 中文會訊文章 - Chinese Newsletter articles www.lllasia.org/chinese-newsletter-articles 緊急情況下的母乳哺育 Breastfeeding During Emergencies www.lllasia.org/chinese-emergency-info 其他國際母乳會資源 - Other LLL Resources 新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)和母乳喂養的信息 Coronavirus (COVID-19) and breastfeeding information 緊急情況下的嬰兒餵食 Infant Feeding in Emergencies - multilingual 國際母乳會鼓勵在流感中繼續哺餵你的寶寶 LLLI Media Release on Influenza 國際母乳會對美國反對世界衛生大會決議之回應 LLLI Response to US Opposition to WHA Resolution |